Varicose Veins

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“Panta rhei.”

Heraklitus Ephesius, Greek Philosopher (520-460 BC).

Varicose veins

Those ones, most common in lower extremities, have been an operative subject for almost a century.

Main surgical procedure though deprived the leg of its important great saphenous vein, which in recent decades is widely used for coronary artery bypass grafting.

Hence, if absent because of previous intervention, it was no more available for last procedure.

On the other hand, tiny Venectasia and Telangiectasia are not amenable to surgery.

Local embolization by experimented interventionists were also sometimes employed, with variable success.

Some medicine exists as well, but unsatisfactory to wide opinion.

Blood vessels in human body are elongated structures with exceedingly long wall membrane cells, which need a lot of fat for their constitution.

Essential Fatty Acids are here crucial as main constituent.

Those ones are largely deficient in our nutrition.

Cutting away animal fat and replacing it with raw vegetal one exercises tremendous benefits on our organism.

Switching oils between many ones available in alimentary stores permits substantiation of Omegas 3, 6, 7, 9 between others, and mono-unsaturated fats as well.

As a result, varicose tends to reduce size and extension, and eventually disappear.

Fish oil, which contains a lot of Omega 3 acids, possesses an anti-inflammatory effect on its own, and has similar results.

Essential Fatty Acids are destroyed as soon you submit them to heat.

Consumption of raw fish originating from warm waters should be discouraged from, as it leads to liver cancer on the long run.

Sushi, ceviche and smoked salmon during cold season are a good solution.